On Thursday, October 26th, 2023, Meissner Tierney Fisher & Nichols S.C. attorneys James M. Sosnoski and Caleb R. Gerbitz presented “Insurer Stigma: Managing the Reputational Aspect of Insurance Litigation” at the State Bar of Wisconsin’s annual We’ve Got You Covered: Insurance Coverage in Wisconsin 2023 program.

Sosnoski and Gerbitz were previously law clerks for the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. There, they got a first-hand look at how insurer’s coverage arguments are perceived from the other side of the bench. The presentation aims to workshop some possible argument strategies to educate courts and juries on the workings of complex insurance provisions and combat any negative perceptions about the insurance industries and coverage arguments.

If you’d like to register to watch the webcast seminar or purchase it OnDemand, you can view more information here.