On October 20, 2017, attorneys Bill Stuart and Garrett Soberalski spoke at the Apartment Association of Southeastern Wisconsin’s (AASEW) 2017 Trade Show hosted at the Potawatomi Hotel & Casino
Approximately 60 real estate and property management professionals and property owners were in attendance for the informative session titled, “3 Surprising Litigation and Liability Facts That Will Cost You.” The presentation highlighted the risks associated with vicarious liability. Bill and Garrett also outlined issues with indemnity clauses and noted other surprising aspects of litigating a case in today’s digital world.
Bill and Garrett dedicate a substantial portion of their practices to the areas of real estate and business litigation, and have extensive experience handling various issues related to the discovery of electronically stored information. For more information on any of these topics please contact Bill at wts@mtfn.com, Garrett at gas@mtfn.com or by calling (414) 273-1300.